martes, 29 de enero de 2013


  • PHRASALS REVISITED  - We ll put them to work . We ll practise using them and in this way, learn them 

  • IDIOMS, PROVERBS  AND SAYINGS  How many do we actually understand correctly ? Do you, as a foreign speaker feel at ease using them ? 

  • COGNATES AND MID OR PARTIAL COGNATES  THis Short Seminar is particularly useful to translators and translators to be 

Each lasts two classes . Please consult about dates and fees at  We ll be glad to respond

Look at this video and see how ommitting a comma can lead to confusion
This one that one of our students wrote, is a bit funny

My husband who lives in Australia is a successful business man

Did this lady mean that she had more than one husband ? Was she bigamous ?
Certainly not  The student should have written

My husband, who lives in Australia, is a successful business man

Now we know she had only one husband and she happened to include some additional information about him , that was all .

Alejandro Altimir

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013


Look at this sentence 

Much as he had always believed in her fiancee ´ s  love, he was now in doubt whether she really was actually  in lov e with him or it was just an infatuation 

Hard though he tried , he had little hope of suceeding 

Here the contrast is sharp, robust, no doubts that the situation is  contrary to expectations .

Please red the link above

Your teachers   .