jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015





 TITLE The mass media have an adverse effect on moral standards" Do you agree? 328 words 

Task 1 : Read the text and make a list of the reasons the author gives to support his theses

 Task 2 Make a diagram of the structure of the passage . Say what each paragraph is doing ( its function ) and main ideas For instance Paragraph 1 : Presentation of topic – Problem – Author holdS his view Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3 : Paragraph 4: Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 :

 The mass media, especially television and the Internet, are now the most important source of information. Every day they provide people with pieces of useful and valuable information. But in recent years informative and educational programmes have given way to immoral and sensational shows. Therefore, I agree that the mass media have an adverse effect on moral standards.
 First of all, the television and other media do not respect the code of ethics. More and more TV programmes are bombarding people with vulgarism, sex and violence. Likewise, newspapers use images of death and grief to attract readers' attention. Consequently, we consider such behaviour as normal and we are becoming accustomed to this.
 Secondly, newspapers have to use provocative language and striking pictures in order to guarantee high sales. For instance, almost every newspaper, especially the tabloid press, place pictures of celebrities' most private moments and notes about new political scandals on the front page. Furthermore, the mass media have an extremely nagative effect on children. It is a fact that there is too much agression on TV. And as children learn mainly by imitating the bahaviour of the adult, the agression among the youth increases.
 On the other hand, there are those who argue that television still maintained its educational and informative function. It is true that the mass media can offer us a lot of accurate information and entertainment. But as far as I know, such programmes are continually less shown on TV.

 To conclude, it is fact that the mass media do not have much benficial effect on us. They constantly show us scenes full of violence and devastating images of death. But television and the newpapers will always have some adverse effect on us if earning money is media's sole aim. Task 3: Read the composition again. Put it aside and do NOT read it a again Attempt writing it out and keep the authros´veiws but this time you may use other words and astructures. CEI, 2015


MALVINAS WAR GLOSSARY OF THE VIDEO On FRIDAY APRIL 10TH AT 6.30 PM we will be discussing the first two parts of the VIDEO ON MALVINAS Please study the following vocabulary, as you will hear these phrases on the Video. Look up the translation of the missing parts. in a bilingual dictionary VIDEO CLASS 1 An Odyssey of the South Battle of the MALVINAS -Falklands THE LEAVING Instructions : 1) Read the following phrases that can be heard in the video. 2) Translate into Spanish 3) Print and bring to class 4) Then listen to the video and identify the phrases with the events in the movie Note : Tre translations need not be accurate. The equivalents are merely for the purpose of the understanding of the ideas War preparations • Aircraft carrier flaship of the British . fleet sets off bound for war : buque de bandera de la flota Britanico con destino a la,Guerra • The vessels: los buques HMS Sir Galahad - HMS Egemus - HMS Glasgow- HMS Sheffield-HMS Invincible -HMS The Hermes-HMS Plymouth -The Canberra- • Sea harriers • A deck crowded with subs seeking helicopters la cubierta con helicópteros caza submarinos • All it could look forward to was the scrap yard estaba destinada al desarmadero • National might to be tested in battle for the first time todo el poderio naval iba a ser puesto a prueba por primera vez • National feelings were mixed : patriotism a little higher - jingoism straying into humour habia sentimientos encontrados , un alto patriotismo que a veces rayaba en lo comico • A generation that had never before watched their men go off to war una generación que nunca habia visto a sus hombres ir a la Guerra • Reassured by the impressive hardware se sentian confiados por la Fortaleza de sus naves • She too joined the Hermes south se unió , se encontró con …. • The task force to see action. Las fuerzas de combate realmente deberían entrar en acción ? • Wasn’t this a flexing of diplomatic muscle to pile on the pressure of a diplomatic settlement No se trataba simplemente de poner los musculos en forma para una resolución diplomática • Called upon to mobilize on a scale not seen since the Second World War convocada a movilizarse en una escala que no se veia desde la segunda Guerra mundial • She would give a good account of herself iba a hacer un buen papel • In Gibraltar • NATO exercise celebrated se realizo un ejercicio militar de la OTAN ORGANIZACION DEL TRATADO DEL ATLANTICO NORTE • Bandsmen were to become Stretcher bearers : MUSICOS QUE IBAN A CONVERTIRSE EN CAMILLEROS • Destroyer destructor • Rear Admiral • HMS Coventry was destined to be sunk estaba destinado a ser hundido • A lucky escape and then destruction at San Jorge un escape fortuito y luego la destruccion en SAN JORGE • Lose nine men in a missile attack • Recruitment of troops reclutamiento de tropas • Troops marshalled with special equipment and even an optimistic fishing rod or two tropas acuarteladas con equipaminto especial y una optimista caña de pescar • Sir Galahad was the worst tragedy of the campaign • Establish their first bridgehead Establecer su primera cabeza de puente • Moving into top gear a toda velocidad The Camberra was a luxury liner un crucero de lujo • Responding to the urgency , men toiled round the clock respondiendo a la urgencia los hombres trabajaban noche y dia • 14th Commando El batallon 14 • extra bedding and supplies were loaded se parovisionaron con camas y viveres • Return to their barracks volver a su cuartel • An antiwar movement was never going to make much headway Un movimiento contra la guerra que no iba a prosperar M.P. Tony Benn as the spirit swept through the region • Noone guessed that the second largest liner passenger would soon need all the luck she could get Nadie sospecho que el segundo barco de pasajros en importancia pronto iba a necesitar toda la suerte del mundo para escapar • Morale boosting messages Mensajes de aliento a la tropa Now look up the following : THE REASON • Bleak and windswept island 200 of them • Carrying an area about the size • The history was not strange to the claims of other countries • Colonized by the French who made the first settlement at Forst Loius before selling them to Spain • lost them in a brush • Later abandoned by both although England never gave up its claim • Reassert the British claim • Uninterrupted British rule • Garrisoned the island but lost them in a brush with the American navy • For the F. it was the start of 100 years uninterrupted British rule • Victorian terraced houses- local pubs • 800 islanders whose economy is based entirely on sheep farming divided between those who would not talk And those ……………….. • Argentine threat way of life – even had a London taxi • when Britain destroyed a German destroyed a naval squadron • deterrent • The Argentines would make belligerent noises in their direction • hijacked a plane to free what they considered oppressed islanders • friendlier planes provided the only tie with the world • The matter could be settled by diplomatic means • Briefed his marines • The argentines should leave the islands • Diplomacy would save the day • The Patrol Ship Bahia Paraiso boldly guided them • Outnumbered 8 to 1 • Armoured troops marshalled to consolidate the invasion • Many believed what their officers and government had told them liberate the islanders from British yoke • They were in for a rude awakening • In Argentina • The realization of a dream - a dream fostered by years of propaganda • President Galtieri was mobbed by those who had booed him only two days before • At The U.N. • The Security Council • U.N. Resolution was passed • Most countries except the Soviet Union backed England The class does not intend to portray a complete view of the war. But the war broke out and it had its reasons on both sides They say that it takes two to tango. In the class we will merely examine what led to this war that should never have taken place in the first place. It may be a little difficult to understand all , but you will certainly have a better picture as seen by these two journalists who courageously dared to shoot these scenes and prepare this movie which cannot be seen at the cinema . The rest of the translations will be provided in class. See you on the 10h. Prof Patricia Grey CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES C-65, 2015

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015


METHODOLOGY CLASSES THE DIRECT METHOD TO TEACHING LANGUAGES Direct Method of Teaching English By William Lake | January 31, 20132 CommentsThe direct method of teaching was developed around 1900 in Germany and France. It is sometimes called the natural method because the aim is to teach students in a similar way that they acquire their first language. The direct method of teaching came as a response to the shortfalls of the grammar-translation method, which works to teach grammar and translate vocabulary from the native language of the student. Therefore, the grammar-translation method relies heavily on the written language, whereas the direct method places the emphasis on both listening and speaking. Although the direct method isn’t limited to teaching foreign language, it is however, often used for this purpose. In fact, you can see evidence of it being used in many English classrooms around the world today. The aim of this method for teaching English is to immerse the students in English, the teacher would use realia, visual aids and demonstrations to teach English to students. The teacher would in this instance focus on repetitive patterns of teaching with grammar being taught inductively. This means that the rules of grammar are not taught directly, instead students would learn to change different parts of the sentence. For example, “I go to school”, the word go could be changed for other verbs like walk, run, jog, drive, etc. Methodology The direct method of learning English is fairly simple. In consists, primarily, of just five parts. ■Show – The student is shown something so that they understand the word. For example, they might be shown realia or other visual aids such as flash cards for nouns. The teacher might use gestures to explain verbs, and so on. ■Say – The teacher verbally presents the word or sentence, taking care to pronounce the word correctly. ■Try – The student then tries to repeat what the teacher is saying. ■Mould – The teacher corrects the students and ensures that they are pronouncing words correctly. ■Repeat – Finally, the students repeat the word a number of times. Here the teacher uses a number of methods for repetition, including group repetition, single student repetition and other activities designed to get the students to repeat the word. Specific teaching methods would include such things such as students reading out aloud, question and answer exercises, conversation practices, dictation, fill-in-the-blank exercises, amongst others. Advantages Probably the biggest advantage of this method of teaching English is that it actually teaches the language and doesn’t teach about the language. Furthermore, due to its emphasis on speech, it is better for students who have a need of real communication in English. Finally, this method introduced the use of teaching vocabulary using realia, which is still widely used today when teaching English to speakers of other languages. Disadvantages One major disadvantage for this method is that is works on the assumption that a second language is learnt exactly the same way as the first. Second language acquisition varies considerably from first language acquisition. Another criticism of the direct method is that it was hard for public schools to integrate it. In his book, R. Brown (1994:56) explains that the direct method wasn’t successful in public schools because of “constraints of budget, classroom size, time, and teacher background (native speakers or native like fluency) made such a method difficult to use.” Direct Method of Teaching English Although parts of this method are still used today, it was largely been overtaken by the audio-lingual method where the focus wasn’t vocabulary, instead students were drilled in the use of English grammar. This audio-lingual method is no longer a popular method of teaching, instead more communicative methods are more widely used today. Lessons now try to mimic real, everyday, occurrences, for example, a class would usually be taught things like ‘asking for things’ in different social settings. Image “Young Woman Pointing” by Michal Marcol courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


METHODOLOGY COURSES WHAT WAS THE GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD TO TEACHING LANGUAGES ABOUT The characteristics grammar translation method 1. foreign language teaching method 2. derived from the classical 3. sometimes called traditional 4. method of teaching Greek and Latin. 5. The method requires students to translate whole texts word for word 6. and memorize numerous grammatical rules and exceptions 7. enormous vocabulary lists. 8. The goal of this method is to be able to read and translate literary masterpieces and classics. 9. Classes were conducted in the native language. 10. A chapter in a distinctive textbook of this method would begin with a massive bilingual vocabulary list. 11. Grammar points would come directly from the texts and be presented contextually in the textbook, to be explained elaborately by the instructor. 12. Grammar thus provided the rules for assembling words into sentences. 13. Tedious translation and grammar drills would be used to exercise and strengthen the knowledge without much attention to content. 14. Sentences would be deconstructed and translated. Eventually, entire texts would be translated from the target language into the native language and tests would often ask students to replicate classical texts in the target language. 15. Very little attention was placed on pronunciation or any communicative aspects of the language. The skill exercised was reading, and then only in the context of translation. 16. The Grammar Translation Method is the oldest method of teaching in India 17. Translation interprets the words and phrases of the foreign languages in the best possible manner. 18. The phraseology and the idiom of the target language can best be assimilated in the process of interpretation. 19. The structures of the foreign languages are best learned when compared and contrast with those of mother tongue.