miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017


The following files contain basic terms related to the following language areas :


C.A.E AND C.P.E. Students REVISE these glossaries and make sure you know all these terms with their definitions Look them up in the LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPRARY ENGLISH to make sentences,


For the PREPARATORY COURSE, these glossaries make up what has been called VOCAB AREAS
or GROUNDWORK VOCABS  These are the words you must have a translation term at the tip of your tongue for, almost without thinking . Make sure  you know what they mean . In your case, you must do what C.A.E AND C.P.E. sts must do AND MOVE A STEP FORWARD : PROVIDE the Spanish equivalent off the cuff



Election hacking might be more widespread than previously thought

The presidential election was fraught with problems, which potentially could be attributed to cyberattacks.
The presidential election was fraught with problems, which potentially could be attributed to cyberattacks.

Noting that investigators have been so focused on Russian meddling in the presidential campaign that they haven't conducted a thorough probe of the state election systems that Russia targeted and that the hacking of those systems might be more expansive than originally thought.
Citing problems at the polls and puzzled poll workers on Election Day, the New York Times reported the concerns of observers, like Susan Greenhalgh, who was monitoring polls in Durham, N.C., for nonpartisan group Verified Voting. 
“It felt like tampering, or some kind of cyberattack,” the Times quoted Greenhalgh -- who was aware that e-pollbook vendor VR Systems, which provided Durham's software, had been hacked by Russians -- as saying. 
But that and similar incidents in at least 21 states have not yet be subjected to a thorough digital forensics probe, the Times reported.
The election director in Durham, Derek Bowens, told the Times, "We do not believe, and evidence does not suggest, that hacking occurred on Election Day."
But Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee,called for greater scrutiny. “We must harden our cyberdefenses, and thoroughly educate the American public about the danger posed by attacks,” the Times quoted him as saying. “In other words: we are not making our elections any safer by withholding information about the scope and scale of the threat.”



    jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017


    Are u sure you should keep so many things in your life ?

    Why Should You Declutter?

    It’s been a rough couple of days. I haven’t delivered on prior commitments. Work pressure has been high and my relationship with Aaliyah is suffering. Altogether, it has weighed down heavily on my mind. Stress and anxiety have become second nature and my health is deteriorating. I was desperately in need of talking to someone who could truly help me in this situation.
    My friend Naomi is a professional psychologist and therefore has enough experience in dealing with these issues. I rang her up and arranged for a meeting. We met at Central Park on a beautiful sunny day to have a quiet conversation, with our take-away cups of coffee.
    I had been nervous all morning about our meeting even though she was a close friend. Deep down, however, I knew this was the right thing to do and I was not mistaken.
    Naomi listened attentively to everything I had to say. She understood how I was feeling. She asked me if I’d like to embark on a 21 day journey where I would have to make a few lifestyle changes for a better, simpler way of life. It would help me attain a new perspective and sense of calm. I readily agreed.
    If you find yourself in the same position, join me in this journey. We begin with decluttering. Decluttering of our mind, relationships and surroundings will help us clear everything unnecessary, allowing us to focus on our priorities.
    Declutter Your Surroundings.
    Ever since I can remember my grandparents had a habit of clearing out and cutting the number of material objects around them, on a weekly basis. They always told me, “Clearing your room will clear your mind.” It’s true. Decluttering your surroundings can give a sense of organization and clarity that would otherwise be unavailable in a cramped room. Remove objects that are not required or used. Clean it all out.
    What’s more, feel and show gratitude for things that you consider important. Take up the habit of writing down five things that you are thankful for every day. This will help you to truly value and appreciate your life. You could also empty your thoughts on paper.
    Declutter Your Relationships.
    Look around you. Are you surrounded by people who have your best interests at heart? Do these people prioritize you like you do them? If not, these relationships are toxic and are hampering your piece of mind. Cut it out and free yourself from its burden.
    Instead, cherish the people who support you, uplift you and are there for you in the tough times. Surround yourself with people that make you laugh. It is the best medicine. I know I’m lucky to have a safe zone in my friend group, here in New York City.
    At the same time, focus on yourself. What are you waiting for? Don’t postpone joy. Get in touch with your creative side. Take a trip to your favorite city. Do things that make you happy, rather than add to your stress. Love and respect yourself.
    Declutter Your Mind.
    In today’s day and age, our mind’s clock is constantly racing with innumerable thoughts running through our head. Take responsibility for the clutter present in your mind. Don’t blame the external environment. Alternatively, make a conscious effort to start from the root – your mind.
    Negativity acts as a barrier to peace of mind. Sometimes, the task ahead of you can look overwhelming. Instead of dwelling on the worst, break it down into manageable steps and focus your energy on constructive thinking and positive action. Let go and develop a new perspective.
    Clutter can weigh you down and cause stress, effecting every sphere of your life. Devote a little bit of your time to the task of decluttering. Each baby step when combined will have a positive impact on your life.
    See you in the comments.