miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

landing a job after the interview

8 Signs You Are a Top Candidate After the Interview

Waiting to find out whether you got the job is tough. But interviewers often send strong signals you’ve gotten the job before they give the official word. Here are eight signs that you’ve landed the job or are at least a top candidate.

1. The interviewer checks your references
The interviewer calls your references. This step was the final step for two people who landed the jobs they were seeking. Joe’s interview went well, and he knew he was perfect for the job. But after months of interviewing, his self-confidence was lagging, and he wasn’t sure he’d get an offer. Then Joe found out the interviewer had called his references. Next: they called him to offer the job. Donna’s experience was even better. “I had a future boss tell one of my references that he would call me to begin salary negotiations—a nice heads up that not only did I have the job, I also had room to negotiate salary.”

2. The interviewer discusses moving

The interviewer starts talking about relocation services. At the end of a long day of interviews with several people in three different offices 30 miles apart, Anna’s interviewer dropped a big clue that they were ready to offer her the job. “He began talking about the company’s relocation services, relocation allowances and how to reach the relocation coordinator.”

3. Instead of one interviewer, many

You interview with a lot of people at the company. As above, lots of interviews often equals lots of interest. “Interviewing with many different people is a signal that your main contact is interested and now has to make sure other people agree,” one interviewer said.

4. Interviewer provides next steps

The interviewer is very specific about next steps in the process.  “Instead of a generic, ‘I’ll get back to you for next steps,’ if I’m interested in someone, I will likely tell them, ‘This is what the next steps will look like,’” one interviewer said. “I’ll tell them, ‘You’re going to have to come in for another interview with these people and that’s the final step in the process.’”

5. Interviewer responds to your thank-you email

The interviewer responds to your email saying thank you for the interview. (You did send a thank-you email, right?!) “When I get thank-you emails from people I’m not that interested in, I don’t always respond,” one interviewer said. “Or if I do respond, it’s just something like, ‘Thank you for your note.’ If I’m interested in the candidate, I’ll respond and say I’m very interested.”

6. You shake hands with your future (fingers crossed) coworkers

The interviewer introduces you to other people on the team. “I don’t waste my time on introductions with someone my team is never going to see again,” one interviewer said.

7. You leave the office for a meal

You get taken to lunch or dinner away from the office. “If we have people interviewing here all day, we usually provide a meal,” one interviewer said. “But if we’re trying to get to know someone a little better, we’ll take them out of the office for lunch. That can be a sign of interest.”

8. Interviewer doesn’t rush to get away

The interviewer does more than show you the door. Usually, the recruiter brings candidates to the interviewer. But if he’s interested in a candidate, he will actually get up from his desk. “If I’m really interested, sometimes I will walk the candidate to the elevator or even out of the building instead of thinking ‘I’m done with this candidate, let the recruiter do their job and get you out of the building,’” the interviewer said. Another possible sign: the interview goes over time.

While none of these signs are 100 percent evidence you’ve got a new job, one to three are reason for hope and four or more mean you likely are on at least the short list of candidates.

lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

Easy English Conversations

We have various examples of online Easy English conversations in different situations that you are likely to use often. We do not believe that memory can help you to be successful in learning English but we believe that familiarity can do. Make yourself familiar with these conversations in different situations below until you can automatically speak it.

Hundreds of ESL students and other people ask us the same questions.

  • How to speak English fluently?
  • How can I improve my English skill?
  • What is the right way to learn English?

  • We would simply advice them to think of the word 
    CEK which stands for Change attitude, Expose yourself and Keep talkingChange Attitude : From our experience, this is the most common problems for anyone who wants to learn English. The point is that you should realize that your goal is to communicate with people in English.

    You do not want to be an English professor or a professional translator (Well, if you want to be, please skip this article immediately) so do not worry about 100% correct grammar.

    It is acceptable for the beginner to say 
    he don't know instead of he doesn't know as long as the listener understands what you are trying to communicate. At least it is less annoying for them to wait for you 1 minute to produce each perfect sentence.Expose yourself : This step means to expose yourself to English environment. Of course, it is better if you could come to US or UK to study or learn English but I would say that you don't have to.

    This is twenty first century and English is already everywhere. Movie, music, newspaper, articles and hundred of tourists who walk pass you everyday can be great learning sources. Another easy way is to go through the content of this website and ask if you have any questions.
    Keep talking : Whenever you have a chance to talk or to test your skills, just do it. You can even assume situation and talk to yourself.

    Do not worry about mistake. Everyone makes mistake, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Madonna etc. Who are you? Come on. Let's go out and create your own world of English.

    Here are various easy english conversations. Live conversation...
    Usage of Gap Fillers

    1. between Two Students
    2. during School Admission
    3. at The School Assembly
    4. at Grammar Class
    5. about The English Teacher
    6. about Late Coming
    7. about Leave Letter
    8. about A Sick Student
    9. about reason for absence from class
    10. about Computer
    11. in introducing A Friend
    12. in a Library
    13. at The Play Ground
    14. in a Cricket Match
    15. between The Traffic Inspector and The School Student
    16. between The Sub-Inspector and The School Student
    17. in a Big Family
    18. in The Dining Hall
    19. Over Telephone
    20. in Birth-Day Invitation
    21. between Sister and Brother
    22. during Train Journey
    23. about Tour Program
    24. in The Park
    25. at A Cinema Theatre
    26. during Taking Bath in Sea
    27. in Temple
    28. in Church
    29. in Post Office
    30. in Telephone Exchange
    31. at The Reservation Counter
    32. at The Bank
    33. at The Wedding Ceremony
    34. at A Public Meeting
    35. at the Reception Counter
    36. while Celebrating The Birthday of a Friend
    37. at An Interview
    38. at The Library
    39. about A Call Centre

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