jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

What Is Binge Eating Disorder? (by Vanesa Alderete)

Binge eating is one of three main categories of eating disorders. It consists of consuming larger than normal amounts of food for the sake of dealing with emotional upheaval. Binge eating takes place in secret, and is a disease that can go on for a long time without treatment. Self-love and acceptance goes a long way towards curing the habit of binging.
·                     Features
Binge eating is a form of disordered eating, or ED. It's the consumption of a larger than normal amount of food by one person. It can take place in one sitting, or can be an ongoing process that lasts several hours. The important identifier of a binge, however, is the feeling that there is absolutely no control over what's being consumed. A binge eater can use any type of food as the weapon of choice. A binge can consist of 20 organic apples eaten in a single sitting, or two large pizzas with the works eaten overnight. Binging isn't a person losing control around a pile of junk food. After a binge, there will usually be feelings of guilt, shame and anger turned in towards the self. Binges are the physical manifestation of these feelings when they aren't expressed in a healthy manner.
·                     Function
A binge usually happens after something that has triggered intense feelings. If a person doesn't feel like they have the "luxury" of expressing his feelings to others, he'll look to food to sop up the emotions. Binges echo the out-of-control sensations that many experience when faced with life's hard knocks. Conversely, a binge may also bring feelings of power to someone after feelings of powerlessness. Since a binge doesn't feel good while it's happening, it's a way to use something pleasurable as punishment. This mental paradox acts to suppress the body's senses of fullness and satisfaction after a good meal and makes the binge eater take no joy in good food.
·                     Identification
A binge may happen for several reasons and will emerge through several steps. First, a stressful event will happen, such as a fight between lovers or an disappointing exam grade. This event gives rise to emotions that the sufferer, for some reason, doesn't process effectively. For instance: rather than discussing hurtful words with a boyfriend, the woman will stifle the anger and confusion. She may blame herself for the blowup, thinking that her own hard-headed nature caused the misunderstanding. Another example would be a feeling of powerlessness and stupidity after failing an important test. Thinking that a discussion with a professor would be fruitless, there's no one left for the student to punish but himself. Both of these events cause a loss of power in the mind of the disordered eater, triggering the lost and hopeless feelings that bring on a binge. A lack of healthy adaptive attitudes and coping skills leave the victim rudderless. Binges can even occur with overwhelming feelings of happiness. A lack of trust or security can yield someone vulnerable in the face of too much good news. They may turn to food to assuage the anxious feelings.
·                     Misconceptions
Contrary to popular belief, many obese people aren't binge eaters and vice versa. Although binge eating can lead to obesity, many binge eaters follow their caloric gorging with exercise or vomiting that keeps them looking thin. Many people binge eat without showing any outward signs of it. Another misconception is that eating a whole bag of chips or a whole pizza is a binge. Binge eating disorder only occurs with certain thought and behavioral patterns. Everyone gets carried away at the table once in a while, but that doesn't constitute a binge. Binges happen after incidents involving intense feeling. Binge eating involves internal pain, not carelessness.
·                     Prevention/Solution
The best solutions for binge eating disorder are to cultivate self-care and love. People don't like to cause pain or punish the one they love, so learn to love yourself. This means accepting imperfection, indulging in loving self-talk and expressing emotions in a healthy manner. Many binge eaters are so incredibly busy worrying about what others think and feel that they disregard the importance of their own emotions. Taking themself seriously is the first step to recovering or avoiding disordered eating. Also, people should keep an eye out for triggers. For most, there is a particular feeling that causes them to binge. When they've identified the feeling, simply stop and speak it out loud. Say, "I'm feeling sad because I failed that test. It really hurts." That's it. It may not completely solve their situation at that particular moment, but it will heal that vortex of pent-up feeling enough to back away from the fridge and call a friend for help. Binge eating is a solitary, painful experience that happens in the shadows. Once a person accepts that they're worthy of good things and happiness, the disorder loses its grip.


Air Attack On Libya

The United States and its Western allies launched air attacks on Libyan targets on Saturday, in what U.S. President Barack Obama described as the work of a "broad coalition" to protect "a threatened people" against ruler Moammar Gadhafi's forces.
"We are answering the calls of a threatened people and we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world," Obama said in a statement from Brazil, during a visit to Latin America.
"Make no mistake, today we are part of a broad coalition," Obama said. The Arab League has backed action against Gadhafi's forces, and while no Arab forces have joined the attack so far, "officials expect Arab countries will publicly announce their participation soon," the Pentagon said.
The Pentagon said 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles from U.S. and British ships and submarines had been fired at 20 targets. British jets also joined the attack, the government said early Sunday. The Western coalition is targeting Libyan air defences, especially around Tripoli and the west Libyan city of Misrata.
"This is the first phase of what will likely be a multi-phase operation," U.S. Vice Admiral William Gortney, director of the Pentagon's Joint Staff, said at a briefing in Washington after Obama spoke.
"These strikes were carefully coordinated with our coalition partners," Gortney said, adding that most of the targets — in what's being called Operation Odyssey Dawn — were on the Mediterranean coast and that information was still coming in because it was night.
Responding on Libyan state television to the attacks, Gadhafi warned that the coalition action has turned the Mediterranean region and North Africa into a "ground of war."
Gadhafi said he would open his country's military stores to "arm all the masses with all types of weapons" in defence of the country against a "colonial crusader."
An Al Jazeera reporter in the rebel capital Benghazi, meanwhile, said that people there were firing guns in the air to celebrate the international attacks.
Al Jazeera also reported that one of the targets hit was a military college near Misrata, where it said Gadhafi's forces were believed to be based.
Libyan TV, controlled by the government, said the attacks had killed 48 people and wounded 150.

Compulsive Hoarding (By Ana Lovato) ^^

What Not to Wear to Work: 15 Things (shared to you by Agustín Perez Villafañe)

By  Kate Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com Editor
Young and ambitious, Olga showed up for her first day of work at a transportation company wearing a low-cut top, fishnet stockings and stiletto heels so high she could take only mincing steps. Olga was a head-turner all right -- but for the wrong reasons. After watching Olga get ogled for three days, her new boss asked Beth, a young HR manager, to speak to her about her wardrobe.
"I tried to impress upon her the image of trust and credibility the firm was trying to project," Beth explained earnestly. "I told her that while her outfits were great for clubbing, they were sending the wrong signals here at work." Olga's response shocked her. "She unabashedly told me that she couldn't help it if people felt threatened or turned on by her. She was who she was and those people bothered by it were probably older, fatter and jealous."
"Just a few decades ago, companies were put off by women in pants or men with scuffed shoes and rumpled shirts," says Human Resources expert Lori Kocon. "Today we're seeing candidates come in wearing sweatpants, flip-flops and tattoos. I'm all for self expression, but be forewarned: If you come in with piercings in your tongue, I won't hear a word you're saying because I'll be completely focused on how much that must have hurt."
"Yes, the workplace has become more casual," Kocon continues, "but there really are limits!" While what you wear to work depends on your industry, company, geographic region and the activities you have planned for the day, most image consultants and corporate executives agree that there are basic standards everyone should follow.
Here are 15 things that are never a good idea:
1. Underwear as outerwear. Camisoles or visible bra straps and lingerie scream "eek!" not "chic!"
2. Workout gear. Save your muscle shirts and spandex for the gym.
3. Soiled, stained or rumpled clothing. Neatness counts. Better to wear less expensive clothing that is immaculately cleaned and pressed than to sport designer grunge.
4. Shorts. Whether of the Bermuda or Daisy Duke variety, wearing shorts to work is just plain wrong.
5. Tattoos. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie have made tattoos seem almost mainstream, but many people are still put off by them. Best to keep yours under wraps or disguised with a heavy spray-on makeup made expressly to conceal tattoos.
6. Extreme hair color. Natural looking highlights are fine, but never dye your hair blue, magenta or other colors not found in nature.
7. Too much cologne. A strong scent is a turnoff to most people. Best to forgo fragrance and opt for the clean smell of soap.
8. Long, fake or wild-colored nails. Keep your nails short and neat. Avoid nail decals, black polish or "Elvira" length nails.
9. Grungy beards. In general, most companies prefer clean-shaven men to, say, ZZ Top. If you just can't part with your facial hair, at least keep it neatly trimmed. (And for gosh-sakes check in the mirror after eating that powder-sugared doughnut!)
10. Micro-miniskirts. Make sure there is no more than three or four inches between knee and hem. You want to be able to sit without giving a peep show.
11. Overly revealing attire. Too little is too much. Breasts, back and arms should be covered. Avoid overly snug fits by making sure there is at least one inch of room between body and fabric.
12. Athletic socks with street shoes. Men, the devil's in the details. People notice these things!
13. Body piercings. Studies show that most people view body jewelry as unprofessional and that people with multiple piercings are less likely to be hired or promoted.
14. Bare midriff. Make sure there is at least one inch of room between body and fabric and that your shirt is long enough to conceal your midriff. Let your clothes show off your good taste -- not your six-pack abs.
15. Low-rise pants. "Plumber's crack" is not acceptable anywhere. Period. Finally, as a rule of thumb: If you have any doubt whether something you have on is appropriate -- go back and change.
Kate Lorenz is the article and advice editor for CareerBuilder.com. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.

Copyright 2007 CareerBuilder.com.  

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Collocations with do,make,take and have with their meanings (Posted by Miguel Medina)


take action

To take action means to act positively and decisively to resolve a problem. (light)

have an advantage
To take advantage of something or someone means to profit from the momentary situation of the person or thing. To have an advantage means to be in a better position than someone else.

make amends

To make amends means to compensate for a loss or injury.

make an application
take an application

To make an application means to apply for something. Usually a job, or a bank account, etc. (light) To take an application means to obtain an application form by removing it from a collection of forms.

make an appointment

have an appointment
To make an appointment means to organise a meeting with other people. To have an appointment means you are to participate in a meeting with other people.

make an argument

have an argument
To have an argument with someone means to argue with that person. (light) To make an argument for something means to present a logical argument in its favor.

To make arrangements means to organise or arrange. (light)

make an attempt

To make an attempt means to try, to attemplt. (light)

make a baby

have a baby
To make a baby is, informally, to engage in sexual intercourse, leading to impregnation. To have a baby is to give birth, to produce a child.

make a bath
take a bath
have a bath
To take or have a bath is to bathe. (light) To make a bath is to prepare a bath to the right temperature.

make the bed, make one's bed

have a bed
To make the or one's bed is to arrange its sheets and covers nicely and rectify any disorder that was caused by sleeping in it. To have a bed is to be in possession of a bed.
do one's best
make the best of

have the best
If you do your best, it means you have acted correctly and that no-one can expect more from you. To make the best of a situation means to take as much advantage as possible from a bad situation. See take advantage. To have the best is to be in possession of the best of something.

make a bid
take bids

To make a bid means to bid, to make a monetary or economic offer. Template:light To take bids is to solicit offers from several competitors, with the intention of accepting the best bid.

take a bite
have a bite
To take a bite means to bite. (light) To take a bite and to have a bite both mean to eat a quick, light snack.

make a bow
take a bow

To make a bow means to bow. (light) To take a bow means to bow (light) or to accept applause. See take a bow.

make a break
take a break
have a break
To make a break means to try to escape, to break. (light) To take and have a break means to rest from work for a short while, to break. (light) To have a break (more often get a break) also means to be lucky.

To make a breakthrough means to make an important discovery. To have a breakthrough means to realize something about oneself.

To do business means to agree a commercial contract. To have business with someone means to have matters to be settled with that person. To take business is to deprive a competitor of a customer by acquiring that customer.

To make a cancellation means to cancel. To have a cancellation means to have a slot for attendance of an event become available because the holder of that slot has canceled.

take care
take care of
have a care
To take care means to to be careful. To take care of someone or something means to look after it. See also take care.
To have a care means to be careful because you are upsetting someone.

make certain

To make certain of something means to check that something is correct. See also make sure.

take a chance
have a chance
To take a chance means to try something risky. See take a chance. To have a chance means to have some possibility of success.

make a charge
take charge

To make a charge for something means to request money for an item or service; it can also mean to make an accusation. To take charge of something is to assume authority over it.

make a claim

To make a claim is usually applied to legal court cases where damages and retribution payments are claimed from the accused.

take a class
have a class, have class
One takes a class for a semester or year or the like; to have (a) class refers to a single class session. (Note that to have class can also mean "to be classy, sophisticated".)

make a complaint

To make a complaint means to complain about bad service or faulty goods. (light)

make a concession

To make a concession means to concede, to yield to, or grant a request even though it is not in agreement with the normal rules. (light)

make contact (with)

To make contact with someone means to establish communication with them or contact them. (light)

To make conversation means to start a conversation with someone with no other aim than to talk and break the silence. To have a conversation means to converse. (light)
do a deal
make a deal

To do(US) or make(UK) a deal means to make a contract with someone.

make a decision
take a decision

To make or take a decision is to decide. (light)
Make is about 50 times more common in the US; 7 times in the UK.

make demands on

To make demands on someone means to give them a lot of work to do or to impose a burden on them.

make a discovery

To make a discovery is to discover something. (light)

make an effort
take (a lot of) effort

To make or put forth an effort is to try. An activity takes a lot of effort when it is very difficult to do, or is strenuous.

make an enquiry

To make an enquiry means to ask or inquire. (light)

make an error

To make or commit an error is to err. (light)

take an exam
have an exam
When students take, complete, sit for (UK), or sit (UK) an exam, test, or quiz, they are tested to demonstrate knowledge or competency; educators (UK) set or (US) write it (create it for students to take) and then (US) give it (have the students complete it). To have an exam is to be given it.

make an example of

To make an example of someone is to punish someone to disuade others from repeating the offense. See make an example of

make an exception (for)

To make an exception is to grant a request even though it is not in agreement with the normal rules. To make an exception for is to except. (light) See also make a concession. To take exception to something means to be offended by something, usually something that is said. See also take exception.

make an excuse, make excuses

have an excuse
To make an excuse means to excuse, to justify or explain the reason for an incorrect action. (light) To have an excuse means to have a good reason for an incorrect action, whether it is stated or not.
do some exercise, do some exercises

To take (some) exercise means to exercise the body. (light) Do needs a quantifier. To do some or an exercise means to exercise the body. To do an exercise can also mean to resolve a problem set in a class.
make an experiment

To experiment Generally, one does an experiment in a laboratory, and one makes an experiment when one tries out an idea to see if it works. (light)
do a (UK) favour, (US) favor

To do a favour means to help someone with no thought of reward or payment.

make a fortune

To make a fortune means to amass wealth.

make a friend; make friends with

To make friends is to strike up or start a new friendship or become friends.

make fun of

have fun
To make fun of something or someone is to mock or belittle them. To have fun is to enjoy oneself.
do (some) good

To do good or some good means to do something constructive or helpful.

have a grudge
To have a grudge is to maintain a negative feeling against someone or something because of a previous wrong against oneself by that someone or something.
do (some) harm

To do harm or some harm means to harm, to do something destructive, or hurtful, or unhelpful. (light)

make headway

To make headway means to progress in the desired direction.

make a heart
take heart
have a heart, have heart
To make a heart is to create the shape of a heart. To take heart is to be cheered up. To have a heart is to be generous. To have heart is to be courageous or persistent.

take someone hostage

Means to keep, or retain a person or group of people until a specific demand is met.

make an inquiry

To make an inquiry means to ask, to inquire. (light)

make an investment

To make an investment means to invest time or money. (light)