domingo, 5 de junio de 2011



   Preposition in phrases:

Above all: ‘Be kind and polite but above all be helpful’.
Ahead of: ‘ There was a long queue ahead of us’.
Along with:’ I passed the piano exam along with three aother people in the class’.
Apart from: ‘ Your essay is very good, apart from a few spelling mistakes.
As for me,you, etc : ‘ My family is moving to Canada. But as for me, I don’t want to go’.
At the end of: ‘Let’s meet up at the end of the month when we are less busy’.
At first: ‘I was angry at first but then I realised she was very sorry’.
At home: ‘ I stayed at home because of the awful weather’.
At (long) last: ‘I’ve found out a good tennis coach at (long) last’.
At the moment: ‘At the moment, I’m living in Athens’.
At that very moment: ‘I was turning the corner and at that very moment a child ran into the road’.
At any rate: ‘I think they are coming- at any rate that’s what they told me’.
At risk: ‘Your health is at risk if you smoke’.
Because of: ‘We can’t go for a walk because of  the rain’.
By accident: ‘I knocked  over the display by accident’.
By chance: ‘We planned to meet on Sunday but we met by chance on the bus this morning’.
By mistake: ‘I´m sorry but I took your dictionary by mistake’.
By the time: ‘By the time we arrived, they had already gone’.
For a while: ‘We waited for a while and then left without her’.
For me,her, you etc.:  ‘I don’t like that disco- for me it’s too noisy!
For now: ‘We have enough tea for now but we might need more later’.
For sale,rent,etc.: ‘Is your old computer for sale?’
From bad to worse: ‘Your behaviour is going from bad to worse’.
From memory: ‘I can play the whole tune from memory’.
From now on: ‘From now on you must all show your membership cards’.
In addition to: ‘She works in the café in addition to her job at the cinema’.
In aid of: ‘ We are collecting money in aid of the refugees’.
In case: ‘Let´s take an umbrella (just) in case it rains’.
In charge of: ‘Who´s in charge of the tickets on the door?’
In comparison to/with: ‘She is much  taller in comparison to (or with) most of us here.
In  contact with: ‘Are you in contact with anyone we met London?’
In danger of: ‘You are in great danger of failing all your exams’.
In demand: ‘Are those electronic pets still in demand?’
In the end: ‘In the end all of us agreed with her plan’.
In front of: ‘She stood in front of the mirror admiring herself’.
In a hurry: ‘Sorry, I can’t stop. I´m in a hurry to get work’.
In a mess: ‘Your room is  in a terrible mess’
In my opinion:  ‘In my opinion, bus fares should be cheaper’.
In need of: ‘The house is very old and in need of major repairs.
In order that: ‘ I did it in order that you would notice me.
In order to: ‘I shouted in order to get help’.
In reality: ‘ She said she was rich but in reality her parents are very poor’.
In return for: ‘ I lent her a couple of CDs in return for using her bike’.
In search for: ‘They’ve gone in search of a cheap restaurant’.
In spite of: ‘ We enjoyed our walk in spite of the rain’.
Instead of: ‘Why don’t you go to the match instead of me?’
In terms of: ‘In terms of their recent successes, the team is a good one’.
In good time: ‘ Please be there in good time because we still have to buy the tickets.
In time: ‘I arrived just in time for the start of the film’.
In no time: ‘Work hard and you’ll finish in no time (at all)’.
In touch: ‘Goodbye- keep in touch and email me.
In a way: ‘You are right in a way but I still don’t agree with you’.
Not at all: ‘I´m not at all happy with my essay’.
Of course: ‘Can I come?’ ‘Of course you can.’ ‘Do you mind?’ ‘Of course not?’.

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