sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


Exam time is drawing on, so it is  a good idea  to revise , put together all notes, compare them with your mates´  and see that nothing is missing. EXAM TIME IS A GREAT TIME at the CEI C-65 every year because  we meet our native . It is a  surprise  who is coming. We don t know either sometimes, as it depends on who the different universities abroad which  we keep in contact with will be sending.
We ll keep you posted as soon as we know.
For  students who are doing their first year of FIRST CERTIFICATE OR PROFICIENCY  it is very important to pass these exams. If your performance is good, Next year you can apply at the BRITISH COUNCIL and obtain your International Certificate   PET AND CAE students can sit too but their course is only one year long, so next year they can sit at the BRITISH COUNCIL  as early as June 2012.
If you are keen on this, you must let us know to get everything ready for the occasion.
If you are not too good in December, don t fret. You can sit again in February or March 2012  and of course you needn t pay new fees, the old ones are still valid.

Good luck

Yamila and Pat

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