miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

A Glimpse of A World Without Money


I know, it's a hard thing to imagine; a world without money. That's only because we've let money become something that it is not. Do we really need money, along with all of the problems it brings? I should think not. For too long we've let money control us, as if we were slaves, but lets take a look at what the world might look like if we did away with money, forever.
What is money? You might be thinking; well, money is something that I use to exchange for goods and services, which usually comes in the form of paper or coin. I definitely can't argue with that, but if we dig a little bit deeper we will come to find that only about 3% of our money actually comes in a material form like those above. Of course that would mean that the rest of our money supply is all digital. It's just a bunch of numbers that originally were generated out of thin air.
Sometimes I think we fail to understand how this money thing really works. Either that, or many people just don't care to understand. I for one, would rather understand.  Lets look at this a little bit closer, shall we?  

Why do we need money?

Alright then, money; what is it really? A necessity? Certainly not! At least not when we're talking about things that we need in order to live, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Those would be necessities, and money does not fit in there, although we have elevated it to that level. What about a luxury? I don't think so. Air conditioning would be a luxury, something that we don't really need in order to live, but it makes things a lot better. In my opinion, money hardly makes things any better and I'll explain why shortly, so we can't very well put it in the luxury group either. So then, where can we put it? To what can we compare it?
Well, you can try and fit it into those other two categories, but I'm gonna go ahead and stick it into the slavery group. Yes, slavery. Now, I know that when we think of slavery, we may generally think of some punishing hard labor, with little or no reward, but I ask you to consider where money really came from, and why you really need it at any given time.
At some point in your life you probably needed to go out and get a job, right? Why? Well, generally in our culture, we only accept money for things that we either want, or need. So, if you wanted something, or needed something that you didn't already have, you were forced to go out and submit to an employer. Our culture says that you need money to do things, so you've got to go out and get some of this money by working for someone else. I know, it's with consent, but we weren't really given an alternative to it were we? Does this sound like freedom, or slavery?
Now, if we look a little further ahead, it would seem that you might need a place of your own in order to start a family of your own. In our culture, in order to accomplish this you will need much more of that money we've been talking about. So, you probably need to go learn some stuff at a school (need money for that), and then you need to submit to another employer who will give you enough money to cover the costs that you have, or will incur. Does that sound like freedom, or slavery to you?
Hey, it's not a perfect system right, but it works?  Uh, incorrect.  The system was never set up to be perfect, nor for the benefit of you, or me.  The system enables the rich to stay rich, and the poor to stay poor.  

Why money doesn't make things better

Your money, the money that you have right now, is owed to somebody, by somebody. As long as we continue to use a monetary system, we will remain in debt indefinitely. Allow me to explain. You know about the Federal Reserve right? Well, they're the ones who pull our money out of thin air, and then charge us interest for it. If the government wants more money, a request is sent to the Fed, the Fed will accept reserve notes and digitally add a predetermined amount of money into the system. So, right off the bat we have money (created from nowhere), along with debt. Not only that, but we also have interest owed on top of our new debt, and as if that weren't bad enough, we are also forced to deal with inflation because "new money" is always being added into the system because we just can't get enough of it. This is why money equals debt, and debt also equals slavery. Even the Bible states; The borrower is servant to the lender.
Oh, you thought that you had true freedom?  As did I, until I actually sat down and thought about this whole situation.  However, that's a big problem because most people don't think about it, and the rich bankers would love to keep it that way.  Lets just continue on as if there are no problems and everything will work itself out in the end, right?  There's only one major problem with that; things aren't going to get any better this way.  You can only pull something out of nothing for so long until disaster strikes.  
We all hate crime right?  Well, over 80% of it is related to money.  What are some of the other side effects to the monetary system that we've all grown to love?  Debt; that's an obvious one.  Foreclosures; sure that's a big one.  War; yeah, that's definitely in there.  Poverty; yeah, gotta have that one.  Greed; ooh, good one.  Corruption; yeah, the monetary system will do that to ya.  There's still others for sure, but that's quite enough depressing stuff for now.  I want to get to the part about what the world could really look like if it weren't for money.

No money, no problems?

Ah, the encouraging part. The part about a world without money. I can picture it now...
There is no greed, there is no corruption! Why not? There's no money to covet, no special status as a result of having more money. We have the resources, and we have the technology in order to provide the things needed by everyone.
Ah, there is no stealing! Why not? You have access to the things you need, or may want, and anything stolen won't provide one with more money or anything else of "value" (I say value in the way that we see it now).
No one is poor, hungry, or homeless! Why not? Well, there is no rich, poor, or middle class. There is no money, and our status does not depend on how much we have. There is plenty for everyone. Again, we have the resources, and the technology in order to provide for everyone. Not one should be left out.
There are no foreclosures! Why not? Easy, the banks no longer rule the world, and they have no authority. You cannot lose a home when it was not paid for out of debt.
No jobs! Really? Well not so fast. Surely we wouldn't all be sitting around twiddling our thumbs. Certain jobs would easily become obsolete, like marketing and banking. While construction, medical, teaching, and other services would still be much needed. Why would we do that if there was no money? Because we can. Because we would be like minded, helping each other through ways that we are able. It's true, we might lose things like professional sports, or entertainment. Things like that could conceivably still be done, but they would really be just for fun.
No gambling! Yep, no reason for it without the money, and there being access to the resources that one needs.
No slavery! Ah, there's a thought. No longer are we hindered by debt/money, that we need to be forced into anything that we would rather not do. Sure we would still be working and doing things, but because we love to, want to, and are excited to see our children continue in this way.
Technology that lasts! Sure it seems like our technology is great, but the fact is, in a monetary system businesses can't be overly concerned about the customer. This is why things break, things don't work right, and things quickly become obsolete. In a world without money, our technology would also be free to be as good as it can be. It would no longer be restricted. Things would last, things would be made easier (no tech vs. man job problems), and we would become more advanced and more civilized in a shorter amount of time.
Is this a glimpse of a problem free world? Sadly no. We will have differences, we will have problems. This isn't a glimpse at a perfect world, just one of a world where there is real freedom. One humanity, one culture, one people, working together for the benefit of each other.

What would change require?

For far too long we have been fighting against ourselves. For far too long we have let the monetary system make us into modern day slaves. As long as we believe that things will never change, then they will not. Change comes by action alone. First there is a decision, then there must be action, and then there will be change.
In 1835, President Andrew Jackson shut down the Central Bank that preceded the Fed. Truly, he had a glimpse of what lie ahead for humanity. That was the last time that America was debt free, and now we can but glimpse of what it would be like to be free from this debt, free from this slavery, free from this burden that we call money and elevate to some lofty position. Is money important? Do we need money? Money is nothing! Money has become a burden! Down with money! Up with a civilized people that are free, technologically advanced, and willing and able to support each other as one people.


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