lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of Facebook- Cochi Martinez

Facebook is the most popular social networking of all time. The popularity of Facebook is increasing so much that soon it will reach 1 billion members. Many people out there who passes most of their time on Facebook. There are manyadvantages and also somedisadvantages of Using Facebook. So, i have decided to discuss about this advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook.

Advantages of Using Facebook

# Facebook is free and it's one of the best medium for communication.
# With Facebook you can connect to any type of people from anywhere in the world because almost every people around the world use Facebook .
# Facebook is best for finding Old friends. When a friend goes away to any other place we often don't get the chance to communicate with him or her. But now Facebook gives us the opportunity to communicate with any of our Old friend.
# We can share our feelings an what's happening around in our daily life through Facebook. We can also get feedback from our friends. It is the best medium to share your feelings and thoughts with others.
# Facebook has good privacy setting which gives you the option to customize according to your wish.
# Facebook Fan pages , groups , events etc are getting popular day by day. You can use these Fan pages & groups for promotional activities . If you would like to know how to create a Faceboo fan page and customize it then click here
# You can use Facebook groups to connect all your close friend unitedly. All the post of the group will be private. It also has new features like group chatting, notification to all members whenever anyone post anything etc
# you can chat with friends by facenbook chat box.
# Many popular celebrity and organization uses Facebook to give updates to their fans. So with Facebook you stay closer to any famous person or organization.
# Students can use Facebook for group study by creating a group only for studying. There you can share any information about your projects , home work , assignments , exams , due date etc.
# Facebook is also popular for making love relation and dating.
# Facebook online games are really popular and addicting. There are millions of people who uses Facebook only for playing games with their friends.
# Facebook has thousands of application, quiz, games etc which is increasing it's popularity day by.
# Facebook plays a very important role in getting latest valuable information. You can gather information from your friends post, Fan page updates , groups etc
# We can also use facebook as social bookmarking site. We can share our article, blogs , photo's etc to thousands of people.
# Facebook like button is connecting their user to every other website. With single like button now you can bring everything inside Facebook.
# If you have a Facebook login ID than you don't need to waste your time for registering other site. Most of the site now allows a user to login at their site by using Facebook Login ID
# Facebook is well designed! There is no fancy color or design available which distracts people.
# Spamming! no spamming actually not a big problem in Facebook because you can easily hid the post of the spammer of block them permanently.

Disadvantages of Facebook

Now it's time to talk about some disadvantages of Facebook. There are some Disadvantages of Facebook beside these many advantages. Some of these disadvantages are :
#. Facebook is Addicting! Facebook is too much addicting! Facebook is too too addicting! Yes it is indeed addicting which often kills your valuable time. Using Facebook for your need is not bad but when you waste most of your valuable time than it becomes bad. The biggest disadvantages of Facebook is it's addiction which causes many problems.
# Fake profile and ID! Fake profile is one of the biggest disadvantage of Facebook. Now it has become easier to create fake profile. People often uses fake profile to insults or harassing someone. It is more common against girls where people simply makes a fake profile and start harassing them. In my country i have got news that some girls died y suicide when someone abused her by making a fake profile of her.
# There are plenty of groups and Fan pages out there which is being created to abuse or violate other religion , personalities , nation etc. This kind of racist disgusting activities decreasing some popularity. Facebook administrator should take necessary steps against all these abusing groups & pages.
# Facebook often brings bad effects on students results. Students who are Facebook addicted does a bad result on his or her exams.
# Beside students, people who works in offices wastes their time in browsing Facebook. That's why many offices has decided to block Facebook completely.
# False report! Many people lost their precious Facebook ID because of false report. Facebook administrator should be careful on that.
# Facebook chat doesn't work properly. User often face trouble while chatting in Facebook.
# From different newses it is found that sometimes Facebook can be life threatening. Many unknown people can track your activities and where you are going. As a result you can face trouble. So be careful in choosing friends and keeping your activities private.
# News also found that one mother killed here child because it was crying in hunger while she was browsing Facebook. or A husband killed her wife because she changed her relationship status.
So from the above statement it is clear that Facebook can be dangerous as well

I hope this hub will be useful for someone who likes or hate Facebook ;) Please do comment and share your experience with Facebook. 


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