miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013


WRITING PROPOSALS CA.E. If you want to work on the actual web page go to http://www.englishaula.com/en/cae-writing-part-1-proposal-cambridge-advanced-certificate-in-english.html Instructions After reading the exam question given, answer it by completing the spaces shown. Drag and drop or type the words given, to create the correct document. Exam question: Related document 1: 19:11 min.PROPOSAL Proposal for Improvements to the Library This proposal (1) ................. at how the library facilities at the international college library could be improved, bearing in (2)..................... that money is limited. It considers (3........................... aspects like the opening (4)........................... , the work (5)......................... and the condition of the resources and gives (6)......................... and recommendations as the . Firstly, one of the main (7)............................ with the library are the (8)....................... hours. Students can't always choose the hours they need to study and (9)....................... times they have to study at (10)....................... hours. The opening hours at present are (11)........................ short which makes it (12) for the students to use it. (13)....................... , the work space available is not (14)........................ . Often students have to cramp (15)........................ tight spaces to be (16)........................... to work, or sit on the floor. (7)...................... , the resources are extremely (18).............................. . There are very few computers with limited and out- (19).............................. software and the few books and (20)..................... there are are old and boring. It would (21).............................. great to have some English magazines. (22)........................ conclusion, without spending a lot of (23)...................... , the library could be made (24) more useful by making the opening hours (25)........................ , by making more space available so students can sit and work (26)......................... and if (27)................................... by purchasing a few English magazines and (28).................................... some more computers. Possible answers: moneyproblemspossiblemanycomfortablySecondlyhoursmuchFinallylongerlooksintomindmaybedifferentdatedopeningInsuggestionsspacebevideostoolimitedinconvenientdifficultenoughablefreeinstantlylatestconclusion FILL IN THE BLANKS AND WRITE THE PROPOSAL GO TO PAGE http://www.learnclick.com/cloze/show/2739

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