miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb or noun

 The late fashion designer Jorge Ibañez was born into a traditional Argentine family. His father was a doctor, so, naturally, he expected his son to …………. ….. his footsteps. Little Jorge, however, was more into fabrics and colors but after finishing high school he did his level best to ………… …… …… his father´s expectations and began studying Medicine. A year later, though, he had already ……………. ………..from University. Jorge used to recall how bitterly his father had reacted at the time, by ……………. him …………., and saying things like ¨ You will never ………….. ……. …….anything son! I can´t be anymore disappointed in you, you´re an utter ………………….. to me! Ever since he was a child, his mother´s ……………………….., in contrast, had been much more laid-back, as she would encourage him to pursue his true calling, fashion design. Indeed, she was the only one who really ………………… ….. ……… his creativity and glamour. Jorge always admitted that he …………. ………………… much better with his mom than with his dad or sister, both of which he used to …………… …………..a lot over trifles. Jorge´ little sister, on the other hand, ……………. ………….. her father, both physically and in terms of personality. Predictably, she became a doctor when she ………….. ………. Not surprisingly, she was the apple of his eyes!
After Jorge´s death, ..............................., his father and sister acknowledged him as perhaps the best designer ever to have dressed Argentine women.

 Julia Roberts and her half sister 

Notice how adverbs are used in this text to add cohesiveness 

 There is some truth about the proverb that says ¨Every family has a skeleton in their cupboard. So, it seems is the case of Julia Roberts family¨.According to a close friend of the late Nancy Mote, Julia´s half sister, Nancy was driven to commit suicide due to her family´s ostracizing attitude ................................ her. Indeed, during the last 6 months previous to her suicide, .................... her own mother had cut her off completely.
Naturally, says her best friend, now every one in her family is crying crocodile tears, but they didn´t give a damn if she was dead or alive.Nancy spent the last X-mas by herself, even though she was dating someone whom she was supposed to ..................... on May 17. What this family did to her is unforgivable, says her friend. Nancy left a 5-page suicide note blaming all of them for her misery and despair. Seemingly, she couldn´t cope ....................... it any longer .Before taking this desperate decision, Nancy made sure she dissed her own mom and half sis, in particular, by tweeting against her. She accused Julia of ............................ bullied her f................... being fat when they were teens.

1 comentario:

  1. Naturally, we minght feel tempted to take side with Julia, as we feel as if we knew her. But, in all fairness, would she be the first actress to be two-faced? Why is it so difficult for most of us to give her half sis, if only, the benefit of the doubt? Gives you food for though, doesn´t it?
