jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

consummerism and global warming by alicia braga


 How is consummerism effecting global warming?
Also, if you have any links to good websites, that’ll be great!
 Consumerism is the unabated purchase of products and produce whether or not it is useful to us in the long run. In North America only 1% of the products are used after 6 months after purchase. Which means 99% of the goods which have been produced are going to landfills (or languishing in the garage going a waste) and also a huge amount of pollution has been created to produce those 99% of products (which includes C02). And CO2 in atmosphere increases the temperature. So consumerism has a direct role to play in Global Warming problem.
 See the video on http://www.storyofstuff.com/ for a very elaborate description of this problem.
 Also it is important to distinguish consumerism and capitalism. Capitalism refers to free market economy. Capitalism is not bad if it takes into account the cost of pollution. But unfortunately polluters do not pay any price today and individuals do not lose money by polluting more. So pollution has not been taken into account at all. We should add this cost into our economy very soon (for example carbon cap and trade system).
Capitalism is the best way to go, but occasional corrections need to be made (in this case accounting for the cost of pollution)

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