lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020


Benefits of Learning a Second Language 

“Research suggests that children who learn a second language early on are apt to become multilingual, become more proficient in their native language and score better in their achievement tests.” (Bowles) Many studies have been completed, which prove that not only are students that study foreign language more likely to learn their native language and excel at standard tests, but that these students will be further able to 9 communicate with a larger population, appreciate foreign cultures, improve their overall school performance, and contribute to society. Communication A second language not only allows people to communicate with a larger population but also allows for benefits in the workplace. It is important in today’s society to be able to communicate with a variety of cultures in a variety of settings. (Looking to the Standards) Speaking a foreign language allows a person to communicate with people they would otherwise not be able communicate with because of the language barrier.
 The ability to speak a second language also offers an advantage in the workplace because it opens up job opportunities. (Marcos, “Why, How, and When Should my Child Learn a Second Language”) A survey was completed of business expectations regarding foreign language studies which stated, “international study should not be considered a separate specialization as much as a component of academic and occupational training programs.” (McClendon) The ability to communicate and understand other cultures is becoming increasingly important in business society, and many employers look for employees that are fluent in two or more languages. Speaking another language also gives one an edge over another employee with equal training when competing for a promotion. Improved Overall School/Intellectual Performance Studies have suggested that students who study foreign language are more creative and are more capable of solving complex problems than those students that do not study a foreign language. (Marcos, “Why, How, and When Should my Child Learn a Second Language”) These students also demonstrate superiority in divergent thinking, 10 memory ability, attention span, and score higher in both verbal and non-verbal intelligence. (Benefits of Second Language Learning) “One study showed that by the fifth year of an immersion program, students outperformed all comparison groups and remained high academic achievers throughout their schooling.” (Marcos, “Why, How, and When Should my Child Learn a Second Language”)
Students that study a second language also tend to have higher test scores in subjects such as reading, language, and mathematics. It has also been observed that for every additional year of a foreign language a student receives, the more likely the student is to excel at other subjects. (Benefits of Second Language Learning) Improved Standardized Test Scores Research states, according to a 1992 report, College Bound Seniors: The 1992 Profile of SAT and Achievement Test Takers, students who had taken 4 or more years of a foreign language scored higher on the verbal portion of the SAT I. (Marcos, “Why, How, and When Should my Child Learn a Second Language”) Other more recent studies have been conducted that further support this report. In addition to SAT I scores, SAT II foreign language test scores as well as advanced placement examination scores for foreign languages would increase on an average. Higher standardized test scores would help students become accepted to college and would ensure that the student is prepared for further foreign language studies in college. These students may even be applicable to receive college credit for work done in high school. 11 Enhancing of Primary Language Foreign language students are at a benefit because they are able to develop a greater understanding of their primary language. Through learning the structures of other languages students are able develop a better understanding of how the English language works. Second language education has been proven to significantly strengthen the student’s primary language in areas such as grammar, vocabulary, reading, and communication skills. (Benefits of Second Language Learning) Many educators and parents worry that the study of a second language early in the child’s development of their primary language, will negatively affect the progression of this primary language. This is not the case, because studies state that the earlier a child starts a second language, the greater the positive effect on the primary language. (Alberta) Studies have been conducted and offer evidence “that no long-term delay in native English language development occurs in children participating in second language classes, even in full immersion programs.” (Marcos, “Why, How, and When Should my Child Learn a Second Language”)
 Deeper Understanding of Culture In today’s society, it is very important to be able to look beyond cultural boundaries. “Language, communication, and education have become the national defense of the year 2000. Language and understanding other culture will be more critical than ever in this new world.” (McClendon) Students that study a second language are introduced to a great variety of culture and as a result demonstrate a greater cultural sensitivity. In addition to this, students are provided with superior cross-cultural skills and are able to better accustom themselves to a variety of cultural contexts. (Benefits of 12 Second Language Learning)
The awareness of other cultures will allow students to better appreciate their own culture as well as those of their peers and even strangers. In the workplace this is a very valuable trait because foreign companies are often more receptive to culturally aware businessmen/businesswomen. Contribution to Society People that are able to speak a second language are a benefit to American society because they “enhance our economic competitiveness abroad, improve global communication, and maintain our political and security interests.” (Marcos, “Why, How, and When Should my Child Learn a Second Language”) Foreign relations are very important, and there is a desperate need for qualified people who speak foreign languages in areas such as science, technology, medicine, and global commerce. (Alberta)

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