sábado, 22 de abril de 2023

WHEN YOU USE A CALCULATOR TO DO A MATHEMATICAL OPERATION . , YOU TRUST THE FIGURE IT PRODUCES. CAN WE TRUST A.I.? ALWAYS? READ : Concerns about AI developing skills independently of its programmers’ wishes have long absorbed scientists, ethicists, and, of course, plenty of science fiction writers. But perhaps we should be more concerned about what it gets flagrantly wrong, sometimes with an alarming amount of confidence. The industry calls these screw-ups “hallucinations.” Scientists have discovred that a.i. has created a language that the machines creators don t know elon musk has even suggested stopping them for some time until we humans can know what they are doing .. this remidns me of a phrase i think MR CORTAZAR wrote some years ago : SINCE THE LAST ONE OF THEM FORGOT TO DISCONNECT US , WE HAVE GONE ON WORKING " SCARY, TO SAY THE LEAST PROF PAT GREY

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