sábado, 23 de junio de 2012


Paper 3: Use of English           


Fill each of the blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

When I was at university my ambition was to be a pop star. I had a close friend________ (1) Mike, with

the same ambition. On leaving I forgot about fame and fortune, trained________ (2) a teacher, and after

some time completely _______ (3) touch with Mike.

Some years later I opened  a magazine and __________ (4) a picture of a famous pop band_________ (5)

records I liked very much. To _________ (6) surprise, I recognised one of them as Mike! The article said that

they were _________ (7) to play in London the following week,_________ (8) I decided to go to the

concert, thinking I _______ (9) try and find Mike afterwards to have a drink and _______ (10) about

old times.

After the concert, I went out of the _________ (11) to look _______ (12) Mike. I was amazed to find about

 three hundred excited fans already there.

Suddenly, a huge black car appeared. Inside, I could just make ________ (13) the faces of the band, including


The fans all __________ (14) screaming and trying to stop the car,____________ (15) left at high speed.

Obviously, there was ____________ (16) chance of talking to him___________ (17) night.

Some months later Mike phoned me, saying that he__________ (18) got my number from an old friend.” I’ve

________ (19) trying to contact you for ages”, he said, “The band needs a new publicity agent. How does the

job__________ (20) you? Why don’t you give up teaching and give it a try?”

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

a)       Miss Bryant asked Peter to buy her some stamps when he went to the post office.
“Peter, could ________________________________________________________________________

b)       I have to have my car serviced every 12,000 miles.
My car______________________________________________________________________________

c)       I was silly to sell my car so cheaply.
I shouldn’t___________________________________________________________________________

d)       The police wanted to find out who was to blame for the accident in the high Street.
The police wanted to find out whose_______________________________________________________

e)       Anna didn’t send Richard a birthday card because she forgot it was his birthday
If Anna had___________________________________________________________________________

f)        The TV company is making a new film on the life of Robbin Hood.
A new film ___________________________________________________________________________

g)       Eating too many sweets is unhealthy

h)       Its only a five-minute drive to the beach
It only take___________________________________________________________________________

i)        Ann prefers playing table tennis to any other game
Ann would___________________________________________________________________________

j)        That video is fantastic!

Paper 3: Use of English                                                                                              BC 

The word in Capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the space. Fill each blank in this way

a)        There’s an axe ___________ from the toolshed.        MISS
b)       Major ___________ discoveries of previous years are now taken for granted    SCIENCE
c)       We were given a warm____________by the hotel stuff          RECIEVE
d)       I called the manager and expressed my _________ with the dreadful meal.          SATISFY
e)       I work in an office on the ___________ floor.      TWENTY
f)        The theft of her favourite necklace caused her great _________. HAPPY
g)       Her skirt was too long so she had to ___________ it                SHORT
h)       The company has one hundred ____________.          EMPLOY
i)        He’s so __________ that you can never trust him to turn up on time.        RELY
j)        Grandfather fell over the _____________ floor.    SLIP

 CEI C-65 , 2012

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