sábado, 23 de junio de 2012


We are sending you some Reading Comprehension Practice for the MID TERM TEST

University of Cambridge                                  BC Models F.C. REVISION                                    

Local Examination Syndicate

Paper 1: Reading Comprehension

Answer all questions. Indicate your choice of answer in every case on the separate sheet already given out, which should show your name and examination index number. Follow carefully the instructions about how to record your answers. Give one answer only each question.
Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers your total score on this test will be the number of correct answers you give.

Section A

In this section you must choose or phrase or word which best completes each sentence. On your answer sheet indicate the letter: A,B,C or D against the number of each item 1 to 25 for the word or phrase you choose.

1)       I can pronounce that word but I can’t _________it.
a) mean                 b)spell                        c)describe             d) suggest

2)       My parents were so ______not  to miss  the train that they got to the station an hour too early.
a) anxious             b)excited                    c)worried               d) thoughtful

3)       It was very kind of you to bring me flowers, but you _______have done it.
a) don’t need        b) needn’t                    c) hadn’t                d) oughtn’t

4)       The agency agreed to do the job________that the fee was high enough.
a) only                  b)provided                   c) so long               d) such

5)       The police officer ________me to take the first turning on the rigtht.
 a) suggest            b) said                          c) advised               d) pointed

6)       You are both making a fuss about nothing. Don’t be so_________!
a) children            b) childhood                  c) childlike            d)  childish

7)       I’ll come over for lunch when I________typing this report.
a) have finished    b) will have finished     c) had finished      d) having finished

8)       Three million unemployed! Is that__________true?
a) exactly              b) really                         c) probably          d) fully

9)       Guests are requested_________in the hotel lounge.
a) not smoking     b) don’t smoke              c) not to smoke      d) from smoking

10)    They were such a happy couple; they had _______in love at first sight.
a) felt                    b) been                          c) become              d) fallen

11)    I wouldn’t want to work for him_______nice he may seen when you first meet him.
a) nevertheless      b) however                   c) yet                      d) if

12)    The model took not the _________notice of the crown.
a) slightest             b) lightest                    c) last                      d) lowest

13)    We________better go before it starts to rain.
a) are                     b)should                       c) had                     d) would

14)    He decided to climb up the mountain _________the bad weather.
a) in spite              b) despite                      c) on account        d) although

15)    When he looked in his briefcase he found he had been__________.
a) opened              b) thieved                      c) stolen               d) robbed

16)    It was hot yesterday but today’s___________hotter.
a) more                 b) less                             c) even                 d) also

17)    I returned home to ____________some papers I had forgotten.
a) take                  b) bring                           c) gather              d) fetch

18)    She had been _________for so long that the exercises made her legs stiff.
a) unable             b)inactive                        c)overcome          d) disused

19)    When he first arrived in Canada he couldn’t __________himself understood.
a) find                 b) have                             c) do                   d) make

20)    Did you remember__________the letters?
a) post                    b) having posted             c) to post         d) to have posted

21)    They’re__________arriving at 6 o’clock but we don’t know whether they’re coming by coach or train.
a) absolutely          b) surely                           c) to post        d) to have posted

22)    Susan looked________to see who had come into the office.
a) for                      b) after                             c) up                d) out of

23)    How________of you to bring presents for everyone!
a) grateful              b) hopeful                        c) successful      d) thoughtful

24)    The director spoke in a rather proud and unpleasant________and made people angry.
a) sense                  b) behaviour                    c) manner         d) attitude

25)    I’d rather you_________your dog outside.
a) leave                  b) left                               c) leaving         d) to leave

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