viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012




Ex 1 :  Answer the following questions, and give an brief explanation:

1)      What is your favourite newspaper or magazine?
2)      Which  pub or restaurant do you go to most?
3)      Which sport do Argentines generally practise ?
4)      Who is your mum or dad´s favourite actor or actress?
5)      What interesting places to visit are there in Buenos Aires?

Ex 2:  Complete with suitable words according to the meaning of the text

I love Buenos Aires , it :……………… many attractions. The obelisk ………….
in the centre of  the town  and ……………… is very tall. There ……………many shoppings centres in the city : Disco, Carrefour, Jumbo. There ………………. can buy many interesting things and some are ………………….( not expensive) 
These shopping centres ……………………….. lots of  stores ( international stores ) eg. Christian Dior, Givenchy, etc.  ………….. are many restaurants too and they are …………………….. on Sundays and Saturdays, ( with a lot of  people) 
Argentines ………………….very friendly people.

Ex 3: Complete with possessive adjectives

This is my Friend Charlie,. ……………………. nationality is Italian,.
……………….. sister´s name is Sheila,. …………………. nationality is Italian too.
………………………parents do not live in Italy, now they live in Argentina,
Argentina is your country and it is my country too, so it is ………………. Country

Ex 4:  Complete with suitable words according to the meaning of the conversation

B Professional Office Supplies. ........ I help you?
A Yes, ............... order some supplies.
B OK. What´s your last ..........?
A My last name is Robertson
B And your …………number?
A 34659-9658
B And what ..........   ........... like to order?
A I need a box of staples, item #56, how much .......   .............?
B They are $ 79 a box.
A OK. I also need a ………. Cabinet, item # 76.     ……  ……..  have the price please?
B Yes, it’s $ 178.56.

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