lunes, 22 de abril de 2013



Try to complete this text by providing more information and using suitable connectors 

Arnold Pacey defined technology as ‘the application of structured knowledge to real tasks by well-organized system of machines and people’. 
Some people think technology does affect the society, but others think it has more negative effects. Well, I do I agree that while technology has its negative consequences, it has numerous benefits. 
In this article I am going to discuss some of its benefits and its negative effects as well 
One of the most advanced inventions of our time is the computer. It might as well be the greatest invention ever (next to light bulbs and telephone) and we always develop new ways to improve it. Computers affect many aspects of our day to day lives e.g. communication, medicine, entertainment, mathematics, agriculture, business and all other sciences.
 However, we depend on them SO much that we become susceptible to computer hackers who are always trying to destroy all that we have created. Chat rooms have also their negative effects because of their unfiltered information e.g. pornography 
As regards communication, again we may ask ourselves how technology has affected our society In terms of communication, For example cellphones have enabled us to communicate easily with people in different parts of the world. By Using cell phones you can now keep tabs with distance friends and families without necessarily travelling to where they are.
Lately and on account of the health restrictions imposed by COVID 19......................................................................................................................................................
While there are numerous benefits of this gadget, it has its disadvantes as well,as there aresome negatives that come along with these new technologies .............................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... 
Unquestonably ,with these technologies, humankind has been able to feed her increasing population even in the remotest places of the globe. These have helped in the fight against hunger and poverty. 
The negative side of this however is that, with these technologies, there has been an emergence of new diseases and health problems that is attributed to the chemicals used  On .........................., technology has simplified work and has made our lives very comfortable Our coffee makers, computers, cell phones etc. are so much effective, easy and quick to use. Robots scrubbing and cleaning our homes indicates how things have been simplified. All we need to do is just press a button 
..............................It is amazing how technology has advanced over the past years. Who would have ever thought that a chip would one day replace a whole line of factory workers? Well, this has improved efficiency, decreased human error and made work faster. .......................... this can also be seen as a con as it causes unemployment are several benefits of technology as well as cons. We just need to ask ourselves, are we becoming victims of potential danger and laziness due to the comforts of technology ? Do machines make our lives simpler by paying a higher price ? It is up to us to reach a conclusion ?<

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