domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2023


AT A HOTEL RECEPTIONIST : HULLO, GOOD MORNING MR ..........¿ TOURIST : HULLO GOOD MORNING. MY NAME S RICAARDO ANZUAGA RECEPTIONIST : wHERE ............................? MR ANZUAGA Im from Briloche. Do you have a room for two nights? RECEPTIONIST ,Yes, MR ANZUAGA WE DO. SINGLE OR DOUBLE ? Is it just for one person ? MR ANZUAGA No, It s for me and my son SEBASTIAN .He s 15 years ............. ..................... is it per night ? RECEPTIONIST I t s 8 thousand for two people per night Are you a pensioner ? MR ANZUAQGA Yes, I am . .....there any discount ? RECEPTIONIST Yes, There is a 10% off for pensioners MR ANZUAGA Ok . That s ok MR ANZUAGA Can I pay with my debit card? RECEPTIONIST Yes, of .................. Here s the key to ..................... It s .......... the second floor but you can use the elevator .
LOOK AT MR ANZUAGA S ROOM WHAT DO YOU THINK ? It s big, comfortable , and it is not very expensive Only 8 thousand per day DO YOU LIKE IT ? YES I DO

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