martes, 26 de marzo de 2024

The Hard SELL - Marina Bruera

What is an example of a hard sell? A hard sell technique used to sell a car, for example, might focus on the limited availability of the particular model, how other people are waiting to purchase the vehicle, and how prices might increase if the consumer walks off the lot. A hard sell is a sales strategy that is direct and pushy. It is designed to get a consumer to purchase a good or service immediately without time to contemplate. Hard sell tactics have a negative connotation and are considered unscrupulous. A hard sell stands in contrast to a soft sell that is gentle and low-pressure. he hard sell is a way of trying to get someone to buy or do something by being very forceful: When I told him I didn't think the car was right for me, he tried the hard sell on me. his tax increase is going to be a hard sell to voters. connected with advertising A good example of a hard sell is the sales technique used in “infomercials” – typically half-hour presentations of a product on television. Infomercials are typically packed with reasons to buy the offered product, and often get the reasons backed up by the testimony of an expert.

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