lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024


What is the power of advertising on consumer behavior? Creating awareness: Advertising can make people aware of a product, service, or idea they may not have known about before. This awareness can influence their decision-making and potentially change their behavior. Shaping attitudes: Advertising can shape people's attitudes towards a product, service, or idea.13 mar 2023 We as consumer choose brands over other brands Do we know why ? Do we know how we are influenced ? ADVERTISING is responsible for us knowing what to buy. And we are influenced by it even though we may not either perceive this or even admit it . We don t choose ramdomly. First we look at the ad or commercial showing or extolling the virtues of the product and if we believe the add we then are closer to buying the product . Price isnot always a determinant or exclusive factor on our decisions Sometimes we cqn t qafford a product but some people would make an effort and wait until they haqve been able to put by the money needed for that product and would rather not buy a cheaper one .instead Sometimes we must decide on price, as we need the product and would not be prepared to wait until we have saved enough. Wheredo you belong in the above?

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