miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2023


DEAR MATES Some time ago, while I was wondering whether overspending for some countries on these flashes of competiteness was worth it or not , I read this journalist s opinion on QUORA , which I recommend ports Journalist (Soccer, Track, Action Sports) (2011–present)2y Sports are for the most part fair in terms of rules being applied equally in the arena of competition itself. Are the conditions for nations to send athletes to the Olympics “fair”? No, not really, but nothing much can be done about it, either. Larger nations will always have more and more varied viable athletes to pick from and more money and resources to throw at the issue of training and preparing their athletes. When there are nations in Africa where if the president is seriously ill, he’ll be flown to a hospital in Europe because his own nation lacks even basic top-tier medical expertise and in contrast there are other nations like the USA where you can get a sports medicine doctor who mostly focuses on just surfing and skateboarding, then you see how inequality really pans out. Size and GDP will always mean some nations have advantages beyond just the talents of one singular athlete. That’s just how it is, but that makes triumphs of smaller nations all the more compelling, also. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HJIS VIEWS?

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