domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


The teachers at the CEI C-65  wish to survey our readers opinions on the topics that worry them most
If you are interested in our future as a nation, tell us what your worries are. We intend to foster dicussion, constructive discussion, where everybody can have a say. In English or Spanish. But pelase feel free to say what you think our dear ARGENTINA is worried about the most today. What are we doing right and what we are doing wrong. We wlcome your opinions because all of you are our friends, supporters and detractors alike. We are seriously committed to defend expressionand the basic liberty of all humans  . that  of living in a country without censure, curtailment of expression or any other form of tyranny.Let us not gag  our opinions, let us commit ourselves.  So go ahead and tell us what you think And  remember we all live here and the country is what we make of it. . The CEI C-65 S MEMBERS

1 comentario:

  1. First and foremost, i am worried about the entire world, things are happened to an extent that human beings had never imagined ,from natural disasters to artificials way of destruction.Secondly, as regards Argentina, the struggle between Clarin and our president is coming to an end, both parts are fighting without control, trespassing limits that confuse and dismay the population as well as they are losing credibility and power.To my mind, it is almost impossible to know in which possition I am now, i am looking for a possition in a country that opinions are banned because no one has ears to listen to you, thus, it is a censure.To sum up,I think that the only way to express our complaint or support is protesting but it does not mean going out and start shouting. Pat, you as a teacher is teaching your students to stand up for our rights,even when our opinions are different and this is a way of protesting from your role in the society as well as me when I study or read a book.
    Miguel Medina
