lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Improve your neatness skills( by Miguel Medina)

Being neat is important, no matter what you do. It can help you think more clearly, it can improve other people's perception of you, and it can make your chances of succeeding that much better. Think about it, how many people that aren't neat and live in clutter, and are world class hoarders achieved success? Not many. Here are a few tips to help you improve your neatness skills:
Express your need for help. The best thing you can do for you is to confide in someone, either a close friend or a professional that can help you, that you have this problem, and you need help overcoming it. When you have such a problem, you need to let it out, which will then force you to face it head on, and thus resolve it.
Don't keep things you don't need. Lack of neatness is often the result of having too many things around. Keep what is necessary, and discard other items that you do not need. Don't keep things that you feel you can use, keep things that you know you will use. If you haven't used an item in the past year, you probably do not need it.
Organize your environment. Things are neat when they are in order. Therefore, take the habit of doing so. It will help you clean things up, and it will avoid you looking of things all over the place. If things are in order around you, things are more likely to be in order within you.
Patience is key. You will not overcome this issue overnight. And you shouldn't expect yourself to do so. You need to take your time and do it right. Even reward yourself for every little progress you make, instead of feeling awful that there is still more to do.
Keep cleaning, each and every day. You also need to keep things moving forward, and you do not want your environment to get back to what it was before. That is why you need clean each day, even if it's a little bit, to avoid that the situation gets worse and too overwhelming.
Give yourself rules. Learn to be strict with yourself, and give yourself conditions to do certain things, if you cleaned. For example, tell yourself, I'll watch that movie only after I've cleaned up my room. This can be an effective method to motivate yourself to clean daily.

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