viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


I found two web pages where you can download the CPE sample tests:

3 comentarios:

  1. I have also sent to the email adress ( some of the listening exercises from the book´s CD (objective proficiency)

    Maria Paz.

  2. This info is not exclusive for us, CEI C-65 s students. We are posting it so you can resend it to all your friends and colleagues. WWe want to share it with other language freeaks like us.
    The students

  3. On MONDAY MAY 2ND AT 20.30 HS a talk by two English authros has been announced at the BOOK FAIR It is a good chance for sts and teachers to listen to people whose Englihs is bright. The trouble ir, we don t know we ll hear a translation or the original in English We are curious enoguh to go so we are meeting at 19.19.30 hs at the door . Sala is J.C.Julio cortazar. Classes from 6 to 7 run as normal. Then Yamila drives to la Rural. See you there.
