sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

definition of dissemination according to text about globalisation ( Writing folder page 90 line 14)


To disseminate, in terms of the field of communication, means to broadcast a message to the public without direct feedback from the audience. Dissemination takes on the theory of the traditional view of communication, which involves a sender and receiver. The traditional communication view point is broken down into a sender sending information, and receiver collecting the information processing it and sending information back, like a telephone line.
With dissemination, only half of this communication model theory is applied. The information is sent out and received, but no reply is given. The message carrier sends out information, not to one individual, but many in a broadcasting system. An example of this transmission of information is in fields of advertising, public announcements, and speeches. Another way to look at dissemination is that of which it derives from the Latin roots, the scattering of seeds. These seeds are metaphors for voice or words: to spread voice, words, and opinion to an audience. Dissemination can be powerful when adding rhetoric or other forms of persuasiveness to the speech. According to John Durham Peters who wrote "Communication as Dissemination," stated that, "making a public offering is perhaps the most basic of all communicative acts, but once the seeds are cast, their harvest is never assured...The metaphor of dissemination points to the contingency of all words and deeds, their uncertain consequences, and their governance by probabilities rather than certainties." (Peters, Communication as Dissemination.) In other words, dissemination of words to multiple people can take on multiple meanings to each individual depending on the experience, the attitude, the knowledge, the race or even the gender of the listener. All of these aspects can distort the message that the sender is disseminating towards the public. Depending on the circumstances, the surroundings and the environment the listener is receiving this message in, can also have an effect on the outcome of the meaning of the message received. This interference is also known as "Noise" in the traditional model of communication theory. Noise can distort the original meaning of the message.
John Durham Peter explains, "Broadcasting information to an open ended destination is a feature of all speech. The metaphor of dissemination directs our attention to those vast continents of signification that are not directly interactive." (Peters, Communication as Dissemination.) Dissemination basically sends information to a audience, without direct contact to the receiver, and without a direct response or clarification method that a conversation or dialogue would have. [1]

3 comentarios:

  1. Dissemination means "difusión" in Spanish, this term is associated with news and comment generally.

  2. DFissemination is also translated as DIVULGACION
    Remember in any case, that this is a false cognate in Spanish
    By the way, wouuld anyone like to write his or her impressions on the Royal Wedding? For instance what relevance if any does this event have on us in our third world remotest country down at the butt of the wrold?

  3. I think the most important effect this wedding have on us is the fact that we, and a lot of people around the world expect from the couple to follow Diana’s interest in supporting and helping the forgotten people, the voiceless people. As a matter of fact, I think they are already following her footsteps as it is said that the couple have donated their weeding gifts to charity.
    We live in a third world country but Diana didn’t forget us and I wish they didn’t forget us neither.
    Let’s pray, then, they will share Diana's passion of making this world a bit better for the less fortunate.

